Saturday, May 1, 2010

N to the Y to the C to the L to the U to the V

Last night, I was reading this blog post on the finance site and one of the writers asked the community: “What do you look for in a city?” After my travels all over Europe, and my subsequent love affair with Seville and Rome, I realized that at the top of my list of must-haves was family.

I LOVE wandering the world, but I cherish my family more than anything else. And if my friends reach a point where I love them, instead of just like them (or tolerate them, lol), they become family too. What I hadn’t realized though, until just this morning, after having a dream about my dad and brother moving to Tampa, was that New York has become a member of my family as well, and I couldn’t bear to leave it either.

We’ve had too many good memories to just brush it aside. We’re about to hit our 25th anniversary together this December, and we still have so much to do. This summer will be the first in 3 years that I haven’t gone on vacation. It’s no surprise. I don’t generally have an influx of cash to pour into a generic vacation spot somewhere in the tropics. But after getting laid off last Fall and hopping onto the never-ending freelance train, I really wanted to treat myself to something relaxing and uninterruptible. Alas, I must be financially responsible and have a (ugh!) staycation. (I hate that word—not just because of the meaning, but also because of its mere existence.)

New York and I are going to get acquainted, like cousins who only see each other on major holidays and birthdays. No more surface pleasantries and ritual hangouts. No more treading the same ground and regurgitating the same information. It’s time to find new favorites and make original memories. The MTA just released the new Subway map and I’m about to put it to good use.

Annnnd since I have the worst memory in the History of Forgetters—couldn’t tell you what I did, said, wore, or ate yesterday—I’ll be recording it on this blog, along with flashbacks/snapshots of what I did the Spring of 2006, when I immersed myself (as much as an American can) in European culture for an entire semester.

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