Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SUMMER PROJECT: Decorating my new apartment

Ok ok, so I don't have one yet, but it's a work in progress. I've been forced to have staycations or low-budget, in-continent vacations every summer since I studied abroad and spent thousands traveling through Europe.
Totally worth it. Totally broke. 
I do, however, intend on backpacking through Europe next Easter. But until then, I've saved up enough money to buy myself an apartment and to furnish it. So instead of traveling this summer, I'll be enjoying NYC and making an apartment wishlist.

First up on that list is something that's probably very seasonal and impractical, but awesome:
Zoku Quick Pop Maker ($49.95) + accessories ($69), Brookstone

I find myself realizing that I can't take everything I love about my parents' apartment with me. I've made mental notes: Snag the Emeril frying pans. Don't forget the skeletal bride+groom cake decoration you bought at the church fair. Figure out who gets custody of the Wii you bought... But I almost forgot about the plastic Popsicle mold I use to use every summer as a kid. This could be a potential replacement. A pricey one, but for $69 more I get a measuring toolkit, 6 sticks, a storage case, and a recipe book. Tempting.

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